Karakol contacts / Guesthouses hotes flats booking cars and transfer

Karakol contacts. Feedback and booking form

Fill the form below to send us enquiry about Karakol services, booking a transfer or accommodation. If you want to rent a room in Karakol, guide for mountain trekking, taxi for arrival to needed destination in Kyrgyzstan - provide more detailed information to get a correct suggestion and quote.
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Get to Karakol from Bishkek is very straightforward - there is a great road that goes to the east or Kyrgystan. All pointers show the distance and direction to Karakol. After bypassing Boom pass and gorge - the road goes around Issyk-Kul Lake. You can choose any direction - but the south road is more spectacular and wild.

Karakol is the starting point to many routes in the mountains and provides a lot of services to be well prepared for long and difficult expeditions. Guesthouses, hotels and hostels are waiting for their guests and providing frienly and lovely atmosphere for great relaxation.

97 Kydyr-Ake street
Karakol town
Issyk-Kul region
721800, Kyrgyzstan

+996 500 667725 (KG/RU/EN/Whatsapp)
Telegram: @SergeyShetinin

How to find us Return to form
97 Kydyr-Ake street
Karakol town
Issyk-Kul region
721800, Kyrgyzstan

+996 500 667725 (KG/RU/EN/Whatsapp)
Telegram: @SergeyShetinin
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